3rd June 2023: Mr. Henry Wai hosted Mock Arbitration at the Peking University Law           School 

On 3rd June 2023, our Mr. Wai (together with two other solicitors as the representatives of the Law Society of Hong Kong) hosted an 8-hour mock arbitration for around 40 law students of the Peking University Law School.

The arbitration was conducted in English and comprised:

  • 3 interlocutory applications involving (1) challenge on the appointment of arbitrators for conflict of interests; (2) challenge of the jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal for non-compliance of med-arb clause; and (3) emergency relief for interim injunctions respectively (around 4 hours in total)

  • a trial with opening submissions, cross-examination of witnesses and closing submissions (around 4 hours).

This mock arbitration provides the unique opportunity for the students to conduct cross-examination of witnesses (played by actors who were students) with full opening and closing submissions on well-designed issues.

The participants are the top law students (both undergraduate and post-graduate) of Peking University Law School. They displayed profound understanding of the issues involved and an overall high standard of advocacy in English, and even adopting rather original or innovative arguments and submissions.

Mr. Wai has for 5 years consecutively since 2019 designed and hosted the mock arbitration for the Peking University Law School as a representative of the Law Society of Hong Kong, and aims to continue to make use of his experience and expertise to train and guide law students in both Mainland China and Hong Kong on the law and practice relating to dispute resolution.